We had some possible options here:
a) take apart each window and rebuild it (ooh... what about the dry rot in the surround of the windows that announced itself when we were able to lay a finger on the inside around the window frame!)
b) replace the windows with new sashes (but the wood holding the windows up is leaky and soft and new windows without new support would be like putting lipstick on a pig...)
c) strip out the windows to the brick and start from scratch...
Oh! is it C? Can we choose C?
well, we did choose C... and we made a bit of a mess in the process...
The new method: make a plywood sleeve the full depth of the wall width and hang it on the studs that we installed for the insulation!
I want to say something about the windows themselves.
Because our building is in the Historic District... we have a special group of rules to adhere to if the work has to do with the visible part of our structure! Soooo! When we had to replace the windows they had to be EXACTLY like the windows designed for the house when it was originally built... has to be wood- has to be the same number of panes- has to be exactly the same dimensions... we had to negotiate to get energy efficient glass! By the time we found out what kind of windows we were required to order they became $550 each! Ouch! Except for the one that goes in the bathroom which was $990 (because it is tempered).
Then we managed to trim out the exterior of each of the windows so that it looked better than when the place was fresh!
The painful part of this was that meeting the materials requirements for the windows tripled the cost of this part of the project... very tough on us penny pinching artist types... the additional $10,000 could have gone a long way!
On the other hand, they do look faboo and will be there for the next 100 years for us to enjoy, piercing the envelope of our private world and filling our universe with light and the sound of all our friends and neighbors.