Xan is not fond of going to the lumber store...
You see her here in front of a pile of two by fours with one reject standing behind her against the wall...
How, you might ask, could there be a way to not LOVE a two by four?
It amazes us what is offered for sale - ones that are warped, twisted, cracked, moldy, knotty (maybe even naughty), cupped, spalled, chattered, and even covered with bark!
This trip we were only purchasing 40 pieces of lumber... about one afternoon's framing for the two of us...
This is our reject pile:
Xan likes to go to look at formica samples for the Kookie Bar counters, loves to look at the sparkly ceiling fixtures (potentially for her new room), and doesn't even seem to mind the quick scans of the clearance shelves...
No more lumber please!
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