Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Like a Ghost with a machine...

We have 14,000 square feet of surface to paint in this building…

That’s the math!

It’s a couple of weeks worth of painting work with a team and rollers and brushes so… we bought an airless sprayer with the hopes that it would make things go faster…

Well “faster”... what does that mean, really? Victoria and Xan spent a full day masking off the floor upstairs so that no paint would end up on the wood…

Then I assembled the sprayer (how come nothing from the hardware store ever arrives in one piece?) and read through the instructions that assured me that I would get gangrene and have parts of my body amputated if I made even the slightest error. Apparently the spray has enough pressure to cut through cloth and flesh if it’s pointed at wrong moment at the human body! We decided to use it anyway…

First thing first, I went through the house and dusted all of the walls and ceilings with a dry mop so that any of the drywall dust that was left from the sanding would not be under the new paint job!

To use this machine you actually have to strain all of the paint that you use- yuck!

And then you have to use the death gun!

Low and behold, after about 7 hours of spraying, cleaning, and straining, and spraying, and cleaning (the machine parts need to be very clean all of the time) we went from this:

To this:

I know it’s just the primer (a pale gray that allows the final coat to have greater hue density) but, ZOUNDS!, this spraying thing has something to it!

On the other hand, after the machine is completely disassembled and completely cleaned, oiled and put to bed, the operator ends up looking like this!

Like a Ghost! (good thing I wore a respirator mask!)

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