Clearly this is not the appropriate 'spring' hat for the Easter Island head of Lower Town that seems to have taken up residence in front of our home...
so the first thing in the hat-changing manual requires that you don't repeat the folly of how you put the Christmas hat on, (leaning an extension ladder against a wobbly foam sculpture in the middle of the night), and back your giant van up onto the sidewalk, creating a semi-stable platform to put your borrowed 8' ladder on...
Once you manage to haul yourself up on the van, (our 'new' van has none of the fine places to

and now, and probably for the rest of the summer, we have a new ridiculous hat for our guy, in our town...
The community fervor to change the hat didn't really start until the middle of March, but then things really started smoking!
I tried to take an informal survey of what the next hat should be and found out that I should never have opened that door... I instantly had a full calendar of Hat Suggestions- bonnets with bunny ears for Easter, Broad-brimmed hats for the Racing Season, Baseball caps in size XXXXXXXXXL for the summer...
At first I seriously entertained these ideas, immeadiatly thinking of how to 'make it work' in the full scope of weather that we get here... (the high winds are the toughest to factor for), and then it occured to me that I probably didn't need another full time job making giant hats for a temporary sculpture.
I thought of that one just in time!
Clearly, it is officially Spring in Lower Town, now... we have a new can of propane for the grill, new diets, and a new hat!
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